starting in second gear

why bother with first?

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Location: Minnesota

It’s nice to just send something out into space, so much more vague and abstract (and pleasantly so) than having my thoughts in print, right there, in black and white. Blogs are on the web, which is some ephemeral technology that I don’t fully understand anyway, and can’t really comprehend in the same way that I can’t really comprehend a billion dollars. Meaningless. Therefore I write all kinds of things that I probably would never say or write in real life, because it tickles me and it doesn’t really do any harm anyway because in a few days the entry will be buried in the archives and the three people that have read it will be busy with other things.

Monday, May 22, 2006


The oak trees are blooming now, blooming golden, as if already aged, looking wise next to the pert lime green of the new birch leaves. It is blue skies today, and in Minnesota, that alone is a reason to call it a fine day. The wind is brisk and strong, coming straight off the lake and up our yard. The clouds stream overhead as if on an interstate, and me, a hitchhiker hopeful by the side of the road. The group of bass trees on the edge of the yard are fairly young. They stretch over the lawn and almost touch the older, dying basswood in the center of the yard, a span of inches between tip of branch to tip of outermost branch. It’s almost like they’re reaching for each other. And the yellow finches flit across the space between the branches, streaming between them as if there is an invisible connection, delicate as cobweb, like a bridge so fine that from a distance it seems to disappear in the center. I, planted on the ground, am not privy to those features and landmarks that are so obvious to the birds from their aerial view. I look up through the trees to the sky as if I’m looking up from underwater. To them, the whole world is topography that they dip into and swoop through. I'm too far down in it.


Blogger Amber said...

This is a beautiful post, but my comment is actually about something in your profile: Igby Goes Down. ! Eric and I loved it and recommended it to practically everyone we know. And they still give us shit about it. Even the literary types hated it...Eric's sister-in-law has a degree in English, and she thought maybe we were joking when we recommended it. Anyway. This is just a very long way of saying that I'm glad to see that someone I like also likes Igby.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

speaking of your profile... i love that photo of you!! dang girl, it makes me miss you even more.

i did, however, feel like i was sitting in your underwater world as i read this post. wonderful writing. there are so many intricacies to be found in your descriptions of things.

9:41 AM  
Blogger erin said...

yay - we love igby at our house. it is one of my regulars - makes me laugh and cry (neither of which is difficult). i can't believe people don't like it - i'd like to know why - i don't get it!?

thanks for the comments about the post - i needed to write something that wasn't intimidating, you know?

3:00 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

I know exactly what you mean.... In fact, I should try to write something unintimidating, too. I promised myself I would start writing again this week, and so far I haven't been able too because I'm too afraid.

I can't remember why people didn't like Igby. Maybe I should ask.

9:14 AM  
Blogger POLiTiCk said...

Hey Erin.

Sorry that we just crossed blogs (I just thought of that phrase, and had to do it...Sorry).

I'm moving to a new place very soon, and am hoping to have access very soon. For now, I have to get all hopped up on coffee that I don't really need at Dunn Bros. so I can jack their internet...

Oh...Saw Igby about a year ago, and loved it too...

Have a good summer. See you in the fall.

3:58 PM  

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