Jackpot at the GoodWill
On Wednesday I took a trip to the Bemidji Good Will with Kasandra. It really is one of the nicest GoodWills I've been to, not the largest, but clean and well-organized and cheap, and most of all, lacking in that thrift shop smell. That thrift shop smell, while part of the experience, somehow always has the effect of making me, and everything I touch, feel slightly unclean. Anyway, so thumbs up for the Bemidji Goodwill, which I've been to before, but never in such detail. We were shopping, and K had some dorm room needs.
So we're testing out chairs, sitting, rocking, trying different reading positions, comparing. The last chair I sit in is sort of a stodgy wingchair that I had dismissed earlier because it didn't look slouchy enough, and it didn't rock. But, I figure, what the hell, sometimes the most unassuming chairs turn out to be heavenly. So I sit and bounce and look across the store to the opposite wall. There are shelves cluttered with toys and kid's books. I look up and up, and on the top shelf I see something that I had forgotten all about, but used to be one of my favorite toys:

Spirograph was right up there with Lite Brite in my favorites list. Spirograph!! So I jump up from the chair, actually gasping with happiness (I am sort of a gasper anyway when surprised, so this is not that unusual) and run over to the shelf, dodging clothing racks and little old ladies. K, mystified by my delight, follows behind. I grab it off the shelf and open immediately, unable to belief that a Spirograph in the thrift store actually has all its pieces. But once I get it open I realize that it does indeed have all the pieces, and, as K pointed out, this is duly noted on the front of the box, right under where it says "Don't Open."
So for the bargain price of $1.99 I brought it home. This weekend has been thrilling, needless to say, sheets of paper cluttered with swirls all over our house. As a result, be expecting some changes to the blog soon. Oh, and I found this online spirograph too, so those of you that had one can relive the dream.
Labels: toad lake life
I love thrift shops. I grew up in them and really like to putter around.
I agree with the thrift smell. Ick. But, sometimes you do what you have to!
spirograph??? really?!! (i don't remember the box looking quite so OLD when i was little though...geez, what does that say?) but oh man...lucky you! can i come over and play? (i wish!)
i thought of you when i went to the grocery store tonight. your le petit ecolier cookies were sitting on the shelf right next to the butter bisquits that i bought for myself. it kinda felt like running into you unexpectedly. ;)
Damn, I don't know Spirograph...
But I do like the aesthetically pleasing blog template updates ;-)
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