starting in second gear

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Location: Minnesota

It’s nice to just send something out into space, so much more vague and abstract (and pleasantly so) than having my thoughts in print, right there, in black and white. Blogs are on the web, which is some ephemeral technology that I don’t fully understand anyway, and can’t really comprehend in the same way that I can’t really comprehend a billion dollars. Meaningless. Therefore I write all kinds of things that I probably would never say or write in real life, because it tickles me and it doesn’t really do any harm anyway because in a few days the entry will be buried in the archives and the three people that have read it will be busy with other things.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Content Today

A friend told me the other day, "you always talk about how you hate people, but inside you're just a big softie." Or something to that effect. She's right. I don't hate people. I am easily annoyed by them, by people as a whole, in groups, as a general term. I am just as easily moved by them (that is the 'softie' part). Annoyance is part of my basic make-up. A teacher wrote on an essay of mine once, "I love your annoyance with the world." She probably thought it was youth, or angst. But that is just how I am, whether I like it or not.
I've always wished I was one of those people who woke up with thoughts like, "Today is a brand new day, and it's going to be great!" I wake up in a stupor and walk around in a fog of immediacy. I can't think it's going to be a great day, because I'm not thinking that far ahead yet. And because, honestly, I don't know what kind of day it is going to be yet. People say it's all about attitude (these would be the people that annoy me), but I'm just not sure that with my attitude I can control the events of a day.
Here's the point of all this: Today I find myself content. I have only been awake for about an hour, but already so many things have made me happy already. Little things. Cool morning, smell of spring soil, an e-mail from my brother (compared to whom I am positively chatty), the amazing and somehow satisfying massive tires on a tractor outside the building, a snatch of classic rock from the construction next door, a poem from a friend. I like these things. They make me happy, right away, today.


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