starting in second gear

why bother with first?

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Location: Minnesota

It’s nice to just send something out into space, so much more vague and abstract (and pleasantly so) than having my thoughts in print, right there, in black and white. Blogs are on the web, which is some ephemeral technology that I don’t fully understand anyway, and can’t really comprehend in the same way that I can’t really comprehend a billion dollars. Meaningless. Therefore I write all kinds of things that I probably would never say or write in real life, because it tickles me and it doesn’t really do any harm anyway because in a few days the entry will be buried in the archives and the three people that have read it will be busy with other things.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Regarding the Muppets - Just as I suspected...

It's finally been confirmed. In the body of a (relatively) young woman, I am actually a little old man (either one of the pair, though I've always felt more akin to the short fat one), made of felt and fluff, who feels equal parts contempt and love for the whole ridiculous performance being laid out before him (her). The funniest part of which may be that I took the quiz twice, trying to purposely skew the results the 2nd time, yet doomed to receive the same results. I may as well face facts - I was born to curmudgeonhood.


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